Saturday, October 17, 2009

Excuse me, excuse me... THEY'RE FUCKING DOLLS!!

It would seem to me and hopefully most everybody in the world that someone at Mattel and a couple other people in this article put too much importance in Barbie dolls. To say that you want young girls to be inspired by a "career-minded" black Barbie doll is a little scary. If people - black, white, red, yellow, brown or what-the-fuck-ever - rely on dolls to build self esteem in girls then this country has some major problems. Try reading this article out loud to someone without sounding sarcastic.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

WTF Indeed

Some heathens and the ACLU (also heathens but more specific descriptor) believe it's wrong to pray in school but I guess this is OK. Apparently CNN - the Communist News Network - thinks so. Scary, creepy and just plain wrong. WTFF?
Just click "SHARE" and watch the brainwashed singers.


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