Thursday, July 16, 2009

Congressional Budget Director Warns Health Care Bills Will Raise Costs - Political News -

Some people have no shame. How many people need to tell you it is going to drive costs up? How many examples of other countries with socialized health care that can't deliver prompt health care do you need? When has the government ever reduced the cost of anything? When has the government ever provided a service in a less expensive more efficient manner than the private sector? Medicare costs are not under control and are not sustainable. Social Security is always on the brink of running out of money. And how many exposes on 20/20, 60 Minutes or Dateline on the poor care our veterans receive through the Veteran's Administration do you need to realize the government is not going to solve the so-called health care crisis in this country?? It isn't going to happen. No, quite the opposite. It will get much worse and much more expensive.

Congressional Budget Director Warns Health Care Bills Will Raise Costs - Political News -

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Friday, July 3, 2009